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Writer's pictureMedicine Revision Crash Course



1. Introduction:

- Begin with washing hands

- Introduce yourself

- Check the patients name and DOB and what they would like to be called.

- Check details against wristband if patient is wearing one

- Explain procedure and gain consent

o State that it shouldn’t be too painful but might be uncomfortable

o See if they have any needle phobias (e.g. if they would prefer lying down in bed)

- Check for allergies

- Ask the patient which arm they would like to be used

- Position patient appropriately

2. Gather equipment

- Clean tray

- Wash hands again

Gather equipment:

o 2x gloves – check with trust whether 2x non-sterile or 1x sterile, 1x non-sterile is used

o Tourniquet

o Cannula

o Cannula extension set

o Saline flush (usually pre-prepared)

§ Check expiry date

o Alcohol swabs for disinfecting skin

o Sharps bin

o Gauze

o Cannula dressing

- Wash hands again and place equipment in the tray

3. Prepping the cannula:

- Wash hands, apply apron and put on 1st pair of gloves (non-sterile)

- Prepare saline flush by inserting saline into extension and flushing both lumens of the cannula

4. Return to patient

- Wash hands

- Inspect arms to look for any suitable veins

- Apply tourniquet

- Palpate veins and identify suitable vein

Take your time with doing this and remember that sometimes you can feel veins that you cannot necessarily see

- Remove tourniquet

5. Insertion of cannula

- Wash hands

- Put on sterile gloves

- Wipe the site with alcohol swab for 30 seconds and leave to dry for 30 seconds

- Put tourniquet back on

- Remove sheath from canula

- Anchor the vein with non-dominant hand

- Warn patient of sharp scratch and insert cannula at 10-30 degrees

- Observe for flashback

- Insert the advancing cannula into the vein whilst holding/withdrawing needle

- Remove tourniquet

- Remove the needle and dispose in sharps bin

- Attach extension set

- Secure cannula using tape

- Flush the cannula with the saline and ask patient if there is any pain

o Lock the cannula

- Secure cannula with dressing and label with date of insertion

6. To Complete

- Remove gloves and dispose of equipment appropriately

- Wash hands

- Thank patient and check they are feeling ok


The Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) score is used at least once a day to check for phlebitis and monitoring infusion sites. The score is useful to monitor infusion sites and when cannulas need to be removed.


1. What does the V.I.P Score stand for and what is it used for?

The Visual Infusion Phlebitis (VIP) score is used at least once a day to check for phlebitis and monitoring infusion sites.

2. The I.V site on a patient has swelling and pain near the I.V site. What score does this get on the V.I.P and what action needs to be taken?

The score is 2 (early phlebitis) and the cannula needs to be removed and inserted at a different site.

3. What are some of the complications of cannulation?

- Infection

- Phlebitis

- Thrombophlebitis

- Embolus

- Pain

- Haematoma

- Haemorrhage

- Extravasation

- Arterial cannulation

- Needlestick injury

4. Label the veins of the arm:

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